With a digital sticker on your lock screen, everyone can help you get your lost phone back.

FREE for a limited time!

Recovry IconRecovry works even where ‘Find My Phone’ can’t.

FREE for a limited time!

RecovryIce IconAnd ‘In Case of Emergency’, put a RecovryICE sticker on you lock screen.

FREE for a limited time!

Recovry Combined IconOr why not have Recovry and RecovryICE together

FREE for a limited time!

Recovry Icon

If found, call Recovry.

With a Recovry digital sticker on your wallpaper, anyone can let you know if they find your phone and get it back to you quickly, maybe even before you know it’s lost! And you can put the same digital or physical Recovry stickers on everything you want to protect. Fantastic.

RecovryIce Icon

In an emergency, call RecovryICE.

A unique RecovryICE ID on your screen means your ‘finder’ can activate your emergency messages, instantly and simultaneously alerting your emergency contacts. No more one-by-one dialing. Plus you’ll hear any important details in a Recovry message eg allergy warnings.
FREE for a limited time!
FREE for a limited time!

phones lost every day in US (and rising)

contacts lost with every phone (on average)

excess (on average) to replace an insured phone

days to replace a phone (on average)


Upload in 60 seconds, for a better chance of getting your lost mobile back (including lost texts, contacts, photos etc).


You could be notified of a found item even before you know it’s lost.
Instantaneous alerts to all your emergency contacts.

Low cost

Annual worldwide protection.
FREE for a limited time!

Saves time

Getting your lost phone back means no need to make an insurance claim, report the loss to police, or organize a new phone.


You can progressively include more items and family members, and have as many as you like on one ID number.


No personal information is visible or accessible on your phone. Finders only know to contact us.

Recovry and RecovryICE
FREE for a limited time!
Download the FREE App